Road Testing
You must have a VALID (unexpired) Colorado Driver's Permit in order to take a driving test. Exceptions to that are:
- If you are under 18, have an out-of-state driver's permit, and you've held that permit for at least one year, and met all the other Colorado licensing requirements. You must also apply for a Colorado permit and get the confirmation code so we can enter the test results into the DMV system: https://mydmv.colorado.gov/_/
- If you have a Colorado license and have receive a "Letter of Reexamination." Please call our office to schedule.
- If you've been told you will be only issued a one-day permit. Please call our office to schedule an appointment.
Under 18? Check the issue date on your permit. The first day you are eligible to test will be the one-year anniversary of your permit issue date.
Interlock restriction? You will need to test in a vehicle with the interlock device. Please see below requirements for "using your own vehicle".
Our car/Your car: We always have a vehicle you can use for the driving test. There is no extra charge for using our car. If you want to use your own vehicle it must meet the following requirements:
- Current and valid insurance and registration. These documents must be the original, paper version unless they are loaded onto the myColorado app or are an insurance app. Pictures of the documents on your phone are not acceptable forms!
- Must have a license plate on the front and back (temporary tags accepted)
- All lights and signals must function (including brake lights)
- Driver and passenger doors and windows must be functional
- Windshield cannot have any cracks that obstruct driver's or tester's view.
- There can be no warning lights lit on the dashboard (ABS, Air bag, Oil Pressure, etc.)
- Drive testers have the right to refuse the test if the vehicle does not pass inspection or seems unsafe in any way.